Why have a profile (why register) in Canadian Exports?

Canadian Exports is one of the most reliable methods to help Canadian businesses expand into new markets. It is distributed to businesses worldwide, as well as Chambers of Commerce, Business Councils, Commercial Sections and Import/Export Associations in over 120 countries.
Your profile reaches more than 100,000 INTERESTED businesses worldwide at less than the cost on average, of placing an ad in your local newspaper. This is an unparalleled opportunity to market your products and services around the world.

The Key strengths of Canadian Exports include:
1- Credibility: The Magazine is distributed by reliable and established business contacts including Chambers of Commerce, Business Councils and Import/Export Associations.
2- Uniqueness: no other publication offers the range and quality of services at the competitive rates that we provide.
3- Reasonable cost: on a comparative basis, you will find that advertising in Canadian Exports is extremely cost effective.
4- Wide International Distribution: We take your business direct to more than 85,000 interested businesses in over 100 countries worldwide. This number continues to grow.
5- Follow-Up Support: Our customers have access to a wide range of export-related services and guidance.
6- “Direct” Contact with “Interested” buyers: All contacts between you and international businesses are direct unless you ask for our assistance (We can provide assistance and consulting services if requested).
7- Tax deductible: All our fees are 100% tax deductable.